JEIIITM1 is a BIC / SWIFT code of JEFFERIES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MILAN. Here you can find an address, list of currencies, correspondent relations and recommendations on how to send SWIFT transfers to this bank.
SWIFT/BIC Code (8 characters) | JEIIITM1 |
Branch Code | |
Country | ITALY |
Local Currency | |
TARGET2 | No |
Always check with your bank or recipient directly if you are planning on sending money. If you believe you made a mistake in a SWIFT code, you can ask your bank to recall the payment.
SWIFT code is required to send an international money transfer over SWIFT (international wire transfer).
Normally, you can use first 8 symbols (JEIIITM1) without branch code for a SWIFT funds transfer, however we recommend to double check with JEFFERIES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MILAN.
Most of the time, banks rely on their own or centralized reference data (SWIFTref), so you can send SWIFT payments to JEFFERIES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MILAN without specifying correspondent banks, however if you would like to manually choose one you can order information about JEIIITM1 correspondent banks or request it from the customer service of JEFFERIES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MILAN.
In order to track a SWIFT cross-border payment to/from JEFFERIES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MILAN you need an UETR code, Reference #, Amount Value, Payment Date and a Currency. Usually you can find all this info in a MT103 form.
Business Identifier Code (BIC) is defined by ISO 9362:2022. SWIFT/BIC code JEIIITM1 was registered by SWIFT organization. LEI identifier has been registered by LEI Worldwide.
Bank Pulse is not responsible for any delays or losses related to usage of the information and services from our web site. Please contact your banks to receive a safe advise.
The registrations of SWIFT codes are handled by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) and their headquarters is located in La Hulpe, Belgium. SWIFT is the registered trademark of S.W.I.F.T. SCRL with a registered address at Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. We are not in any way affiliated with S.W.I.F.T. SCRL.