SWIFT payments normally should be credited to the beneficiary's account within 3 business days. If that didn't happen, you probably want to track your SWIFT payment and figure out where it stuck and what is required to speed it up. In this article we will explain all steps required to locate your international wire transfer (SWIFT).
First of all, you will need MT103 form - payment confirmation from your bank. Usually you can see simplified version in your mobile bank or internet bank, however you can ask your customer's service to provide a full version.
Second, track your SWIFT payment in order to check the status. You can use public SWIFT trackers like TrackMySwift for that. Make sure you fill in all details: UETR code, payment reference number (TRN), amount, currency and date. TrackMySwift get status from several large banks and some of them can track by reference # only, while others require UETR code. So if you put both a reference # and UETR - you have more chances to get more information.
Normally you will get a basic status:
ACSP - in progress
RJCT - rejected
ACCC - credited to beneficiary.
Tracking Using SWIFT GPI
The same procedure can also be done by sender's bank. If it is connected to SWIFT GPI system, there is an extended tracking available - you can see in which bank your payment is now and for how long.
Please keep in mind that this extended SWIFT GPI tracking could be done only by sender's bank. You can not do it yourself (pls don't waste your time registering in swift.com) and normally beneficiary's bank also have a limited access to tracking until the payment reached them.